Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Svelte Gourmet gets down to business!

Dear fans, followers, family and friends (I love a good alliteration, don't you?),

Today, The Svelte Gourmet is officially getting down to business. I am honored to announce our online launch at!

I've been cooking svelte for just about a decade now, doing my part to keep my family, friends and myself healthy and fit. For the most part, it's been a success. Sure, we all fall off the wagon every now and then. But this is really one lifestyle change that's achievable. Over the years, making healthy food taste great has become a real passion for me. It's been a personal challenge through which I've learned how food works in the body, what flavors make the most impact without sabotaging weight loss, and how to prove this to others through cooking and teaching.

Then about a month ago, I started this blog. I didn't give it much thought at first, I just started writing what I know. Then you came along. Following me, sharing with me, asking questions, and making this blog a community that has the power to do some good. Who knew you'd like my goofy stories?!

You've inspired me to take it to the next level, for I know now that there is a need. I've learned that what has become second nature to me doesn't come naturally to everyone. Because of you, I've already helped several people learn a few new tricks about making healthy food taste great through lessons and dinners. I'm partnering with health and fitness organizations to develop programs that will help others practice what I preach. I'm even writing The Svelte Gourmet cookbook!

What I really want to say is thank you for joining me. Thanks for your ideas. Thank you for sharing your struggles and letting me in. The response to this blog has been overwhelming and I want to give you what you've been asking for. Please check out the services and products available through If you have different needs or want to see something that's not there, please ask! You can even buy The Svelte Gourmet apron -- bound to be the hottest holiday gift of the year!

I must say, though, that blogging has been the most fun of all and I'm not going anywhere. A little too much web developing has me a bit bleary-eyed, but I'll be over it in no time and back to telling you about my culinary adventures! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Best Wishes Jen on your new venture! Cute apron...I think I might get one. When are you doing your cookbook? Good Luck with everything, including your marriage!
    Meg (Albright Leibold)
