As I wrote in my last post, I am trying out a "lasagna garden" this year -- that is, using nothing but layers of cardboard, paper, grass clippings, kitchen scraps and a layer or two of manure as the planting medium. I wasn't at all confident in this approach, but with the promise of no weeds, I had to give it a try. If you recall, I simply started with the weed-bed I had left over from last year and put my first cardboard layer right on top! No weeding, tilling, nothing.
So what happened? WELL, I am happy to report that my garden is growing. I have literally found and pulled THREE weeds (no doubt airborne invaders, as their roots were only in the top layer). THREE. In over a month. I am a believer, and for the first time, I may be able to share some recipes with you in a little while using tomatoes and cucumbers from MY garden (that is, after all, what this blog is really about -- healthy cooking). I am giddy with excitement! Check it out!
The photos on the top were taken on May 8th. The photos on the bottom were taken June 2nd. Yippee!
I promise you more recipes and cooking tips shortly. In the meantime, The Svelte Gourmet: A Month of Main Courses cookbook is available at Enjoy!